You’re on the right track. You started your email list, but now you need to figure out how to get subscribers.
Most people say the best way to get subscribers on your list is by offering them something for free, but you’ve also heard that free offers only attract freebie vampires that will suck all the information out of you and never buy.
You don’t want a list full of freebie vampires, so you’re not sure what to do.
Don’t worry. I’m here to help.

Every online business owner has experienced the freebie vampires that seem to lurk in every dark corner of the internet looking to suck free information out of anyone who will provide it. They are determined not to pay for anything.
When you try to sell them something they get angry.
“How dare you try to sell me anything! Don’t you know that everything on the internet should be free?”
While they are quite vocal, they are the minority. Most people understand that if they really want a problem solved they will have to pay a fee.
So going around the internet afraid of running into freebie vampires is unnecessary because guess what? You’re bound to encounter a few. Instead of creeping around being afraid to do what you need to get subscribers, gather together your cross, garlic, and holy water and march right into that crowd.
Let the freebie vampires gabble up the free information you offer. Your focus should never be on them. You need to focus on the people who want to buy and they are out there.
Why would I even bother with a free offer then?
Buyers will get on your list too just for the free offer. They do that because they’re testing you out. They want to know if you can really help. My mentor’s mentor always says that the best way to show someone that you can help them is by helping them.
People buy from people they know, like, and trust. You win that trust by offering value and showing consistently. That means finding the right balance between helping and inviting subscribers to buy your services.
Send emails consistently. Most business owners feel comfortable with sending weekly emails. I prefer daily, but weekly will do if you just can’t manage daily.
Every time you send an email, remember to pitch your services at the end. So your emails should always consist of value and then the offer or ask. Get your subscriber used to the idea of buying from you.
It takes time. Showing up regularly and giving value and a pitch will keep you front of mind when your subscribers decide it’s time to make that purchase.